Welcome to Tani Saldanha - Your Guide to a Balanced Life!

Are you ready to become the best version of yourself? Search no further! I am Tani Saldanha, your Metabolic Balance Coach and Personal Trainer, and I am ready to guide you on your journey to a healthier and happier life.

Metabolic Balance

Metabolic Balance is a unique and personalized nutrition program that focuses on optimizing your metabolism and achieving a healthy weight. Through balanced nutrition, support and education, I help you achieve your health goals, so that you can enjoy life with energy and self-confidence.

Personal Trainer

But it stops there! As a Personal Trainer, I stand by your side to improve your physical strength and vitality. Together we dive into challenging workouts and create a personal training program that perfectly suits your needs and goals.

Personal customization

I understand that every person is unique, which is why I offer a holistic approach that supports both your body and mind. With my motivating guidance and your determination, we will take steps towards a healthier lifestyle that will last.

6 months all-in Metabolic Balance program

Discover the ultimate path to vitality and well-being with my exclusive 6-month all-in Metabolic Balance program! This includes an intake, thorough blood tests, personal measurements, a tailor-made nutrition plan and 10 coaching sessions.

During this program I will guide you intensively as we overcome obstacles and achieve successes together. Achieve a healthier weight, feel more energetic and vital, improve your blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Invest in yourself today and reserve your place for a radiant and healthy life! 

Your inner strength!

My guidance is all about discovering your inner strength and embracing your diversity. Together we create a positive change that will not only inspire you, but also bring you joy.

About Metabolic Balance

Metabolic Balance goes beyond standard diets. Based on your individual blood values, we create a personal nutrition plan, tailored to your unique needs. What does this mean?

  • Weight Loss: Say goodbye to those extra pounds.
  • Healthy & Fit: Feel more vital and live healthier.
  • Less Medication: Natural approach to various complaints.

Watch the video

metabolic balance

Let’s work together for your success. Get in touch today!

I have a lot of experience and am therefore very happy to be able to share this experience with you and support you. I work multilingually. Speak fluent Dutch, English, Portuguese and Spanish. So, whoever you are, whatever your background, I’m happy to help you. Take the first step towards a balanced life today. Let’s start your health journey together! Contact us today for a free consultation!

A dedicated personal trainer for you!

Start working on your body today with my individual training and coaching program. You can choose from a single lesson, 10 lesson package or three months of training. View the possibilities.

News and Articles

Eating with the sun!

Why eating with the sun is your new best friend Are you ready to discover...

Sleep: Your Secret Weapon!

Hey there, night owl! Have you ever found yourself up late while your partner is…

Blood Tests, Essential for a Good Nutrition Plan

Blood Tests: The Key to a Personalized Nutrition Plan   Do you want to know...

Sugar, the Silent Saboteur of Your Health

There you are, in the kitchen, with the fridge door open, searching for something to...

Unmasked: The Truth About ‘A Fast Metabolism’

Do you recognize that feeling? You navigate through life with the wisdom that comes with...

More Magnesium, Please!

When Your Body Whispers: "More Magnesium, Please!" You're living life at a fast pace, always...

Request a no-obligation initial consultation!

Don’t delay any longer. ‘The shape of your life’ is closer than you think. And I will help you make this happen.

Time to take the first step. And, you’ll see, it’s fun too!