5 simple workouts that you can do anytime, anywhere

Fitness and health are important topics in our fast-paced society. However, many people find it difficult to make the time and resources for an extensive workout at the gym. Fortunately, there are simple workout routines you can do every day that can be just as effective. In this article, we’ll discuss some of these routines that you can do without spending a lot of time, resources, or specific knowledge.

  1. Squats Squats are an excellent way to strengthen your legs and buttocks. You can do them by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and then bending your buttocks down, as if you were sitting on a chair. Make sure your knees do not go further forward than your toes and keep your back straight. Repeat this 15-20 times for three sets.
  2. Push-ups Push-ups are a classic among fitness exercises. They strengthen your chest, triceps, shoulders and core. Get on your hands and knees, straighten your arms and keep your back straight. Then lower your chest and push yourself back up. Repeat this 15-20 times for three sets.
  3. Planks Planks are an effective way to strengthen your core and back. Lie on your stomach, support yourself on your elbows and toes and keep your back straight. Hold this pose for as long as you can (ideally 30 seconds or more) and repeat three times.
  4. Crunches Crunches are an excellent exercise for your abdominal muscles. Lie on your back, place your hands behind your head and then lift your shoulders and upper back. Make sure your elbows don’t go further forward than your knees. Repeat this 15-20 times for three sets.
  5. Lunges Lunges are a good exercise for your legs and buttocks. Stand, then step forward with one leg and bend the knee of the front leg until your knee is directly above your ankle. Then push back up and repeat with the other leg. Repeat 15-20 times per leg for three sets.

The above exercises are a few of the many simple workout routines you can do every day. You don’t have to go to the gym. You don’t have to purchase anything for it. All you need is some comfortable clothes and let’s get started!

How do you make it a habit?

Making a workout routine a habit takes time and perseverance. Here are some tips to help you stick with it:

  1. Make a plan and stick to it: Make a schedule of when you want to train and make sure you stick to it. It is better to exercise at a fixed time every day, so that it becomes easier to make it a habit.
  2. Start with small steps: Start with just a few minutes a day and slowly build up to a more extensive workout.
  3. Make it fun: Choose exercises that you enjoy and try to vary them so that you don’t get bored easily. A change can also be that you do these exercises one day and go outside for a walk or perhaps a run for half an hour the next.
  4. Ask for support: Ask a friend or family member to train with you or to encourage you when you’re having a hard time.
  5. Reward yourself: Reward yourself when you have achieved a certain goal or when you have spent a certain amount of time on fitness.
  6. Stay motivated: Remember why you started doing these exercises and keep this in mind when you’re struggling.

By adhering to these tips and showing perseverance, you can successfully tackle making a workout routine a habit. Keep at it and enjoy the many benefits that come with regular fitness!

Oh yes… and of course I’m happy to help you get started! Did you know that this greatly increases the chance that it will actually become your new habit? I will also give you many additional tips to help you perform the exercises safely and effectively. That prevents possible injuries?

Do you want to know more, or do you also want to customize your daily workout routine? Please contact me.

The Secret of change

is to focus all your energy

Not on fighting the old,

but on building the new 



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