Personal Training


Do you have

  • difficulty achieving your exercise goals?
  • a lack of motivation and perseverance?
  • a busy lifestyle that gets in the way of fitness?
  • a plateau in your progress?
  • uncertainty about the right exercises and techniques?
  • or lack of self-confidence in the gym?

Are you having trouble maintaining your rhythm or moving forward?

Your fitness journey deserves a partner! As a Personal Trainer, I create fun, tailor-made workouts, motivate you through ups and downs and help you master the right technique. Achieve your goals and discover a fitter, more confident you. Let’s get started together!

Your Key to Success!

If you are someone who strives for the best in every aspect of your life, then you understand the value of expert guidance. Just as every goal-oriented professional needs a mentor, every serious athlete requires a personal trainer.

With the right guidance, you can create the lifestyle you’ve always wanted. I offer individual weekly workouts and 1-on-1 coaching at home. Indoors or outdoors, whatever suits you, and depending on the weather of course 🙂

Make an appointment now for a free consultation!

Why choose me?

Personal attention: With me you are not a number, but a unique individual with your own goals and challenges. I listen to your wishes and needs and create a tailor-made training program that perfectly suits your body and lifestyle.

Expert guidance: As your dedicated Personal Trainer, I have the knowledge and experience to guide you on your fitness journey. With my expert guidance, you can take your training to a higher level and achieve optimal results.

Accountability & Motivation: There is no more powerful motivation than the support of an expert who will hold you accountable. Your success is my success, and that connection creates a stronger commitment to your goals. I stand next to you, encourage you and ensure that you get the best out of yourself.

Variation & Challenge: Together we will take up the challenge! No boring routines, but a varied and challenging training program that continues to stimulate your body and stimulates progression. Every session is a new adventure to a stronger and healthier version of yourself.

How do I support you as a Personal Trainer?

Health and wellness are now a lifestyle. As a personal trainer, I help you achieve real results with expertise, guidance and personalized training sessions. With more than 25 years of experience and certification in various forms of fitness, I offer tailor-made training that perfectly suits your needs. I provide sports massages where necessary and have care and attention for you as a person.

Your need

Your needs are central. What do you want to achieve? What suits you? What gives you energy?

Sports massage

Pain and still want to exercise? With my sports massage you will get started quickly and recover faster.

Attention to you

Involved and close. Someone who understands and motivates you! More of a friend than a coach!

Professional advice

Years of experience bring just that little bit more!

A dedicated personal trainer for you!

Start working on your body today with my individual training and coaching program.

You can choose from a single lesson, 10 lesson package or three months of training. View the possibilities.

Let’s work together for your success. Get in touch today!

I have a lot of experience and am therefore very happy to be able to share this experience with you and support you in achieving ‘the shape of your life’: healthy, fit in body and mind, no matter how young or old you are. I work multilingually. Speak fluent Dutch, English, Portuguese and Spanish. So, whoever you are, whatever your background, I’m happy to help you.

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Request a no-obligation initial consultation!

Don’t delay any longer. ‘The shape of your life’ is closer than you think. And I will help you make this happen.

Time to take the first step. And, you’ll see, it’s fun too!